Medication Therapy Review (MTR) – a review of all medications including prescription, nonprescription, herbal products, and other dietary supplements.
Personal Medication Record (PMR) โ create a comprehensive record of all medicines used by patients.
Documentation and Follow-Up โ document all interventions and services and monitor patient’s progress.
Intervention and/or Referral – intervene to address medicated-related problems and where necessary refer patient to a physician or other health care professional.ย
Medication-Related Action Plan (MAP) for patients- create a core plan for patients and help them achieve specific health goals.
Smoking cessation management โ assist smokers to quit smoking
Monitor patients laboratory results and response to therapyย
Detect and solve adherence problems and promote appropriate and rational use of medicinesย
Provide education and counseling to patients on prescription and nonprescription products
Glucose monitoring
Blood pressure monitoring
People who can enroll for our services
People who have multiple chronic conditions and therefore take several medications.
People who buy medications from different pharmacies and also attend different hospitals/clinics
People who want to manage their weight.
People who have questions to ask about their medications or have problems with their medications.
People who have problems with medication compliance or adherence.
People who want to stop smoking.
Anyone who uses prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbal medications or dietary supplements.
People who are taking medications that require close monitoring.
People who want their blood pressure and glucose level to be monitored at home.
Benefits Of Our Services To Enrollees.
Clinical Optimize medication therapy
Increase adherence
Improve clinical outcomes of disease management
Economic Reduce hospital admission and readmission
Reduce drug cost for patient
Health plan cost saving
Efficiency Increase accountability
Improve record keeping
Streamline medication therapy
Safety Prevent medication errors
Resolve drug-related problems
Catch adverse events
Benefits of our Services to Health Care Professionals Free up time to perform other duties
Improved transitions and continuity of care
Improved medication use outcomes
Mode of service delivery Face to face
Via telephone
Settings for service delivery Clientโs home